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Make Me Feel Important

Imagine this…everybody walking the universe with a piece of tape across their forehead saying “Make me feel important “.

This is the essence of sales and providing outrageous customer service.  It’s also the essence of building a great company and attracting all-star talent.  

Think about when you were provided a service or sold something.  Doesn’t it feel good when the service was provided in a quick, timely, efficient, and friendly manner?  It feels so good that you will go back and buy more (even if you don’t need anything) because you want to be around that feeling.

The following is a great example from one of my clients:

Paige had two wrist watches that needed to be fixed.  Walking into the jewelry store she remember thinking and assuming that something will get accomplished but probably only half way, and this would most likely be a process where she would have to keep calling or coming back.

To her amazement she was greeted with a smile and open arms, and the owner immediately confirmed to her  “ no worries “…that both watches would be ready within a week and that she will call her personally when ready.  Paige noticed in those few minutes that the owner was able to identify immediately what needed to be done.  The owner even went as far to call the manufacturer directly to confirm that she could get from them what was needed.

Paige remembered how she felt as she left.  She felt like skipping!  She was astonished that this kind of service still existed.  It completely changed her attitude and her day.  She was now smiling, and she felt fulfilled and also felt important!  All this happened in a matter of minutes.

This experience completely changed Paige’s attitude and demeanor for the day.  

- She felt valued!
- She was recognized from a previous visit.
- She sensed immediate hope.
- She was understood.
- She certainly felt important.
- She felt powerful because the process unexpectedly met her
                expectations in minimal time.         

The above mentioned are called people’s universal needs.  This is what professional selling and customer service is.  You are meeting people’s universal needs.  It’s so easy, but often overlooked.   Try it for a day…to everyone you come across…try making them feel important and see what happens!

Authors’ Note:
Paul Sember, President of Coach SEM, Inc. is an executive coach, motivator, and speaker, and uses a state of the art teleconference system to effectively work with executives and their teams around the world in creating a sales centric culture, providing outrageous customer service, and attracting and keeping all-star talent. Paul can be reached at 480-342-8990, E-mail or visit his website at

An import is any good or commodity, brought into one country from another country in a legal fashion, typically for use in trade. Foreign producers provide import goods or services to domestic consumers. Import of commercial quantities of goods usually requires concern of the Customs authorities in both the country of import and the country of export. With the globalization of a trade and commerce & an economy consequent upon comfortable balance of payment position has liberalized the Import Policy and practically all Controls on imports have been lifted. Imports may be made freely except to the extent they are regulated by the provisions of Import Policy or by any other law for the time being in force.


Certain procedures have to be followed for (IMPORT) the purpose of clearing goods to be imported. These procedures have been discussed below.
The person in-charge of a vessel, ship or aircraft entering India must call or land only at a Customs Port or a Customs Airport only. It may call or land at any other place only if compelled by accident, bad weather or due to some genuine unavoidable reason. In such a case, he must report to the nearest police station or custom officer of such emergency arrival.

The person in-charge of importing vessel, ship, aircraft or vehicle must submit within 24 hours after arrival at a Customs Area an Import Manifest or Import Report in the prescribed form in duplicate. This will give details of the import cargo to be unloaded, unaccompanied baggage, goods to be transshipped, retention cargo, details such as general declaration about the conveyance, stores on the conveyance, private property in possession of the Captain of the aircraft or Master of the ship and other members of crews and Passenger Manifest. Separate declaration, of the import contents, has to be given in respect of goods like arms, explosives, narcotics, dangerous drugs, gold and silver. The Import Manifest may be amended only with permission if there was no fraudulent intention. This report is not required if the conveyance is carrying only luggage of its occupants. Sometimes, filing of the Import Manifest is allowed before the arrival of the vessel by the Steamer Agents. This enables the import/importers to clear the import/imported goods quickly. If on the face of things, everything is found to be in order and berthing accommodation is available to the ship, the Customs Officer grants Entry Inwards. Unloading of cargo can start only after such order is made.